What I Learned This Summer

Note: originally posted here on August 19, 2019.

An Essay by Karolyne Sloma

Jk. But I feel like that’s all I should be writing lately. I’m only two classes into my MBA and I’ve written 6 papers and 12 discussion question responses (which are essentially mini essays, complete with citing research) as well as 4 responses to classmates’ mini essays.

(Confession: I may not have actually done all 4 responses to EVERY one of the 12 discussion questions. Mostly because it takes a long time and only sacrifices a point or two if I don’t finish ALL of them, so sometimes I had to choose to prioritize finishing a full paper or test or, I don’t know, actually seeing my family, over doing one of those responses. Don’t tell my professor that’s why though. He probably thinks I lost count and forgot to reply to one here or there.)

So yeah, I’m kind of feeling like all I should be writing lately are essays. My novel has stalled. My serial short stories have all but atrophied. My fanfiction . . . um, may actually be happening still, in the wee hours of the morning and during breaks at work, because honestly, it uses less brain power and I find it relaxing. But since I publish fanfics under relative anonymity, most people don’t know that’s going on. (Well, now you all do. But you don’t know which sites I’m on or what my SNs are.)

So what’s my solution to all this lack of writing? Start a blog! To talk about . . . what I’m learning in school. Hmm.

Well, to talk about things I’m passionate about, which is really what Pixie Elegance is all about – creating a community (eventually, over time) to share passions and creative processes between the creators and the customers, so EVERYONE can enjoy the process, know where their purchases came from, and connect with each other in a more meaningful way than just making a sale/purchase!

That dream is still a long way away. And this MBA I keep mentioning is a big part of working toward making that a reality, so I do want to take a few minutes to tell you just a little more about what I’m doing with it.

So, technically, what I’m getting right now is a Master’s of Business Administration in digital marketing. I’ve just completed my second class. I haven’t gotten my final grade yet (including the last discussion questions and the final really long paper being graded) but unless I did way worse on the paper than I think I did, I should have an A in the class (even if I get a B on the paper). Also what I got in the first class. I’ve really enjoyed this summer (I started my first class in May) learning about digital marketing and social media strategy.

In this last class, I was able to choose any company I wanted and, throughout the various assignments of the class, work out an entire strategy for them to increase the efficacy of their social media accounts. I chose Silent Word Ministries, a Christian ministry to the d/Deaf, with whom I’ve previously gone on two different mission trips. Because I personally know people who work in the office, I was able to send some of my information to them (and will with the final paper as well, once I get comments back from my professor and, if necessary based on his comments, change some things before sending) to actually help them in the real world, not just in theory on paper. I love being able to do that.

I did something similar with my current job as well. Even though I actually work in production there, not in marketing, during the last class I used a few different discussion question topics, and one paper, to think through some of the things my work does and doesn’t do, and make some recommendations to the CEO or to the creative team. I know for certain that this resulted in editing some typos on the website. Beyond that, I have no idea what (if anything) has been or will be implemented, but still, I love being able to make suggestions for them to consider, whether they choose to take those suggestions or not. I love that my education can have real-world implications now, not just some theoretical time in the future.

But the thing is, these first two classes were all about the digital marketing side of this degree. Next week, I start my first actual business class.

[DUHN duhn DUHNNNNnnnnnnnn…..]

Did I mention that my undergrad degrees are in graphic design and writing? My graphic design degree had a built-in advertising minor. (Otherwise I wouldn’t have had to have a minor, since I was a double-major.) With that minor, I took precisely one business class. In preparation for this master’s program, I’ve now how to do some online modules in statistics and accounting to fulfill prerequisites that weren’t included in my undergrad. Those are as much business class experience as I have at this point. I have NO IDEA what to expect from the business classes. Marketing comes fairly naturally to me, for whatever reason. (To such an extent that sometimes I have a hard time with the marketing classes because I just sit there staring at a paper going, “How am I supposed to answer why this is a ‘best practice’? It just IS because it’s the thing that will work best!”) Business, not so much.

I know my brain. I know that if I’m determined to learn something, I can figure it out. But at the same time, I’m definitely stepping out of my comfort zone here, into something a bit unknown, and let’s be real: that’s nerve-wracking.

Still, stepping out of your comfort zone is good for you, right?


Well. It is. But taking some time to relax inside your comfort zone is good for you too. Which is why I took some time, during this break between classes (during which I’m also on a week-long vacation from work) to repaint my nails.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

My right hand. Not actually as messy as this close-up shot makes it look. The watering can didn’t come out so great, but the outline of the leaf looks much better than that in real life. Also, notice that the top coat smeared the ladybug a little? That was after I waited much longer than usual for it to dry. The polishes were conspiring against me, clearly.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

My left hand. Better because my right hand is just a little steadier. Although, pro tip: if you struggle with painting nails on your dominant hand, use your non-dominant hand to just hold the brush as steady as possible, and move your dominant hand instead. That way, you’re moving the hand you have more control over instead of trying to control the hand that may be a little weaker and less controlled.
Also, the top coat totes smeared the leaf on this one, too. Utterly foolish of it.
ALSO also, that French tip look? That’s my natural nail. One of the few things about my body that I really like. That’s why I like keeping my fingernails mostly clear and just doing full/solid paint for my toes instead.

Fact: despite being right-handed, I’m actually pretty close to being ambidextrous.

Fact: people not only have a dominant hand, but also a dominant eye, ear, foot, etc. (Lung? IDK. I’m just guessing.) For many people the same side is dominant across the board. (Er, across the bod.) Not for everyone, though, and I’m one for whom it is not. I’m right-hand dominant, left-eye dominant, left-foot dominant, and I think left-ear dominant as well.

Testing Dominant Sides
Ear: close your eyes and have someone stand centered in front of you, but a little ways away. Have them stay quiet for a while, and then suddenly make a noise. Did you tilt your head slightly toward the noise? Sometimes other things, like alignment of your neck, can make a difference, but typically you’ll tip your dominant ear either slightly up or slightly toward the noise.
Eye: put the tips of your index fingers and thumbs together, to create a tiny diamond between them. Hold it out at arm’s length, and try to focus on something in the distance that you can see through the space. Slowly bring your hands up to your face, continuing to focus on that thing. Which eye did you bring your fingers to?
Foot: stand still with someone behind you. At the time of their choosing (without your knowing when that will be) have them push you, not hard enough to knock over, but hard enough so you have to catch yourself with a step. Which foot did you move forward to catch yourself?

Strangely, if I have headphones on and need to move one side to hear something going on around me, I move the right side to listen with my right ear, but this isn’t because I can hear what’s happening around me better, it’s because if I move the left side, the sound through the headphones comes through my right ear more “muted” and I start to feel like I’m losing my hearing. Also, most heads aren’t actually symmetrical, and when I move the headphones from my left ear I start to feel like they’re about to slide off my head completely. It’s weird.

Fact: for however long this polish lasts (which might be longer than usual since I’m not at work this week) it’s going to bother me that I made the ladybugs facing opposite directions, but the watering cans facing the same direction.

Gonna bother you too now, huh? You’re welcome. Have a great week!


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