Scholastic Update (whooooo)

Note: Originally posted here October 14, 2019.

That’s, like, the most thrilling title yet, right?

(Just admit it. It sent chills of excitement through you.)

BUT, I’m in the last week of my current class, and some changes are about to happen in my MBA education, so I wanted to let you all know about it.

So, my next class has a prerequisite: undergrad statistics. As it happens, I didn’t take statistics as an undergrad. I have some other classes that ALSO have prerequisites that I didn’t take as an undergrad. (That’s what I get for majoring in creatively-oriented things, then going and seeking a business-related advanced degree.) Thankfully, the college has some online modules that can be taken (relatively inexpensively) in place of that. Unfortunately, of the 4 modules I have to take, I have finished . . . one. And that one is one of TWO needed for the class (not this next class) that it counts toward.

So what all this translates to is: I’m going to be taking the next half a semester off, so that I can focus on getting all three of those modules done. I did consider making a serious push to get the module done in time to take the class, but that means I would still have 2 more modules to try to also finish while taking other classes. For my sanity, I’m just taking the time to focus on the modules instead.

This does, however, mean that my graduation will be pushed back by about 6 months, so instead of marching in May 2021 (and technically finishing in August) I’ll be graduating in . . . December 2021? I think? Honestly not even sure how it’ll work at this point.

One good point, from my perspective, is that a classmate (my only classmate who started the exact same program at the exact same time I did, due to rolling admissions and being able to start at any of 6 various points throughout the year) is doing the same thing, because she also has to complete modules. So not only will we still be in the same classes together throughout our degree, we’ll also be able to stay in touch as study buddies/encouragement/accountability throughout working on our modules.

So that’s where things stand right now with the MBA. Hopefully this will also mean a little more time to work on some actual craft stuff and post pictures for you all! I have an idea of something to work on sometime soon – something that will give me experience with some things I need to practice (and also some things I already know how to do well), and will help out in a portion of my own life.

Was that specifically vague enough for you? If all goes according to plan, I’ll work on it Sunday so I can let you all know about it next week. (Yikes. Maybe I shouldn’t have said that. Now I have to do it!)

(JK. I said it because that way I’m more likely to do it instead of putting it off more.)

In the meantime, have an awesome week! Give love, give grace, give compassion. Talk to you all later!


My Hair is Awake


Ramblings of a Busy Student