Happy 2019!…I mean 2020…and stuff….

Note: originally posted here January 10, 2020.

Happy New Year!

And merry Christmas!

… and happy Thanksgiving.

And crap, it’s prob’ly been too long since I last posted . . . .

While I’d love to claim my hiatus was due mostly to being so busy learning business-y stuff and building Pixie Elegance, the reality is… it’s because there are only so many weeks in a row that I can say, “Hey, so, nothing new happening here yet.”

But now there IS new stuff happening!

First off, I got my own workspace! I kicked my kids out of their playroom* and turned it into my Pixie Elegance/Fiberhaven Mavens workshop!

*This isn’t as mean as it sounds. The only reason they had a separate playroom before is because our living room was too small for their toys and the little one was too young, when we moved in, for me to be comfortable with him playing upstairs while I was doing dishes or something downstairs. They’re older now and end up dragging half their toys upstairs to play anyway so we just officially moved them there.

I’ll do a full tour after I’m done organizing everything, but here’s a shot of what it looked like in the middle of the moving- everything process.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

I also have several various projects in the works, so look for posts coming up about misadventures in candle making, mirrors and their frames, and more!

Meanwhile, the OTHER big thing is not about Pixie at all, but about my other shop, Kat ‘N Kay’s Krafts, which you may have noticed (or been wondering what I was taking about) I referred to above, not by that name, but as Fiberhaven Mavens. Along with the new name, there is a new logo, new partner in the business, and some new giveaways taking place, so go check it out on FacebookEtsy, and our new blog! (Which, as I type this, currently has nothing on it. But it will!)

Looking forward to being back in touch with you all more as we head into this new year! Also starting my next class tomorrow so I’ll be sure to let you all know how that’s going too. Happy pixie-ing!


Candle Tails (see what I did there?)


So . . . ‘Bout that Project . . . .