Pixie-ing It Up

Hello, all! Oh gosh, yet again far longer between posts than I want. Some part of me wishes I could just think posts into existence, because I mentally write posts about a billion times* more often than I actually write them. But given the requisite connection between my brain and a computer in order for that to happen, I think I’ll stick to just trying to manage to get posts actually written instead.

*This number is 100% accurate. Probably. IDK, I didn’t calculate it out. I’m a non-math person doing an accounting class right now, how much more math do you want out of me?

Anyway! Okie, so, you may have noticed that I haven’t quite gotten things listed as I’d intended to have going on by now. This is basically for the following reasons:

  1. 2021 has decided to be a series of ridiculousness battering my family from all sides, including, among other things, one member of my house dealing with a mystery long-term illness, and a good many other various medical emergencies on top of that.

    • In fact, given how 2020 went for the world as a whole, and how 2021 has gone, I have concluded that if 2022 doesn’t figure out how to shape up and make this decade start flying straight, I’m going to have to figure out how to punch out an entire decade.

    • Given that I probably wouldn’t be physically capable of punching out a pane of glass, punching out a decade may be difficult, so this decade better just straighten up and save us all the pain.

  2. Also, even without the emergencies and such, I am a wife and mother and that takes up a lot of time.

  3. Add to that time the fact that I am also working 40 hours per week. I’m working toward focusing on Pixie Elegance full-time but not quite there yet.

  4. And I’m still finishing my MBA. Did I mention that? lol Just kidding. But seriously, I am finishing it. And by finishing I mean . . . DONE my capstone, and just finishing up my last class!

At least one of those things needs to go in order for me to properly commit time to crafting items to sell. As it cannot be my current full-time job, will not be my family, and apparently is not inclined to be the series of various things that keep happening, it seems it must be the MBA and therefore listings shall have to await my completion of the program. (In 6.5 weeks!)

In the meantime, though, I have still been creating, just not as listings. For one thing, I did a 48-piece soap order for a wedding. This was a lot of fun to figure out because they were in 3 batches, and each batch was scented differently and had a slightly different pattern on the top. It was also just really great to do because it was for a dear friend and I loved getting to be a part of her day that way.

I also (along with other things, this isn’t a comprehensive list of things I’ve made) made myself some pixie ears, courtesy of a tutorial from Yvonne Williams on YouTube.

And because I’m super awesome like this, I didn’t take a pic and only have a video that I can’t seem to figure how to convince this website to let me upload so you’ll have to check them out on my Instagram if you want to see the quick video of me showing them off.

I won’t be selling these, specifically, since they aren’t my own design, but I wanted to have the experience so I would know how to make ear wraps form to ears correctly. Now that I know the mechanics, I’m planning out several other ear cuffs, including dragon wings, my own pixie wing design, butterfly wings, and something space-oriented. I’m sure I’ll make others as well, but those are the designs running around my brain right now.

Even though I won’t be doing full listings until 2022, there are some limited purchasing opportunities available right now in 2021! As I’ve made several various soaps and embeds, I have made extra mini soaps with leftover soap. (I can size a batch to the exact loaf mold, but it’s much harder sizing it to the various embed molds, and I often end up making a bit too much.) So I have some packages of small or mini soap embeds available, in assorted shapes and scents. Because of how they’re packaged I can’t guarantee any specific shape or scent, they will just be random. Contact me for pricing! I also would love to practice some different designs on a limited amount of individual orders, so if you have something specific you’re looking for in the soap, candle, or jewelry departments (including silversmithing, which I’m having fun practicing with and will post some pictures of soon—I have works in progress but not completed pieces) please let me know and we can discuss if it’s something I’m able to do in my current available time, and what pricing would look like.

Thank you all for putting up with me as I continue to work toward figuring this all out! We’re getting there. And just a reminder, if you yourself are an artisan, and are interested in talking with me about partnering, let me know! Also, if you like to read and craft and are interested in joining with me in an online chat-while-we-craft book club, hit me up about that one too! As always, you can find me on the various social medias I’ve got linked in the top right, or email me through the page’s contact form.

Happy autumn, happy crafting, and happy happying!

(Yeah, I don’t know, it seemed like a good thing to say.)


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